February 17, 2020 the Case of State of Rhode Island v. Victor Colebut Began with an Overdose and a Call to Rhode Island E-911 for Medical Assistance – 5 Years Later after Judge Hopping and Shopping in 2024 RI Judge Joseph Montalbano Replaced Judge Richard Raspallo
This case began on February 17, 2020 and after more than four (4) years of being denied bail and a bail hearing, a trial, due process, fairness and the adequate and effective assistance of counsel that the Sixth Amendment of the United States guarantees and after the case being shuffled from Judge to Judge and magistrate John McBurney III, in 2024 the Honorable Joseph Montalbano apparently replaced Justice Richard Raspallo.
RI E-911 Caller Victor Colebut is a Victim of a Vicious Prosecution because He Chose to Exercise His Constitutional Rights and Protections
Although the case ‘appeared’ to originally be assigned to the Honorable Richard Raspallo over the course of more than four years it now seems, since Victor Colebut felt the need to go Pro Se due to public defender and defense attorney conflicts and nothing of substance being done by defense attorneys – and the Rhode Island Public Defenders passing on the Speedy Trial Motion filed on August 31, 2020 without Victor’s knowledge – currently the Judge assigned to this case is appears to be the Honorable Justice Joseph Montalbano
Pawtucket RI Police Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, Canceled Advanced Life Support and the Paramedics for an Unconscious Woman – Patient Died
Kristine Candace Ohler had a history of drinking too much and passing out the Paramedics and Advanced Life Support were dispatched at 0032 and canceled at 0033
The Rhode Island E 911 Call was made at 0027 and the EMTs arrived at 0059 according to the Pawtucket Police Department Crime Scene Log created by patrolmen/women
RI 911 Caller Begged and Demanded a Rescue and Medical AssistancePawtucket Police Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, made sure that the unresponsive female did not get the medical care that was needed.
With a total disregard for human life the dispatcher then STAGED the EMTs, dispatched a water engine and ladder truck or aerial engine as ‘manpower’
Then the dispatcher caused a further delay of medical care when he re-routed the 911 call that Victor Colebut made to the police who responded and made a felony arrest in a home without probable cause or a warrant.
State of Rhode Island v. Victor Colebut is a fabricated case to cover-up 1) Biased Dispatching and Gross Negligence and 2) Law Enforcement Fourth Amendment Search & Seizure Violations made inside of a Home 3) Tresspassing
If the ‘original recording’ of that 911 call was not obtained by Victor’s father on 7/2/2020 then it would have, more likely than not, been edited and the entire middle section of the call would have been deleted. As soon as the dispatcher asks the 911 call taker, ‘911 what was that address’ Michael Fidalgo began running checks on the 911 caller. The Pawtucket, Rhode Island Radio Communications Policies and the unconscious woman were ignored.
It is believed that it was the 911 callers demand for medical assistance and a rescue, a demand for help for an unconscious woman, that angered the dispatcher who had the power of the Chief of police that even patrolmen/women had to take orders from according to Pawtucket Police department policies.
More likely than not Pawtucket RI police communications dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, maliciously canceled the paramedics and advanced life support engine then told the EMTs and a basic life support engine to STAGE for police, that is to stay away from the location until the police clear the scene, and further delayed care due to implicit biases.
It is believed that was the purpose of the RI E-911 Call Taker staying on the line and doing the call back at the end was to align with procedures for a ‘911 hang-up’ because the six plus minute call was going to be ‘sliced’ to appear as a ‘911 hang up’ as falsely reported by the Pawtucket Police department. But the 911 hang-up story fell apart when state’s witness, Christian Brady, testified before the Grand Jury and told them that he saw the lights and went downstairs and opened the door for the police. This also conflicted with the made up story about the police who responded to a RI E-911 medical emergency call and claimed that they were ‘knocking on doors trying to locate where the 911 call came from.’
The below Pawtucket Fire Department Rescue Run reports no injuries and no deaths and is evidence of how the RI E-911 Call was mishandled by the dispatcher whose willful misconduct had a direct nexus to the patient’s condition worsening and a life being lost.
Rescue 4 R4 an Advanced Life Support Engine and Paramedics were dispatched at 00:32 and canceled at 00:33 – as a woman lay unresponsive the Pawtucket Police Communication’s Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, maliciously canceled life saving medical assistance.
Dispatcher Michael Fidalgo’s Rescue Run Sheets Were Not Disclosed to Defendant, Victor Colebut, until 2021 a Brady Violation
On 2/17/2020 the police responded to a 911 call for a possible overdose for an unconscious woman located at 65/63 Fountain Street a Pawtucket Housing Residence and program that rented to individuals with prior drug and/or alcohol addictions, homelessness, mental illness, socioeconomically disadvantaged, people usually with some sort of criminal record and upon arrival and entering Victor’s home law enforcement officers focused on making a felony arrest in a home without a warrant or probable cause while a woman lay in dire need of the EMTs who were told to STAGE for police by dispatcher Michael Fidalgo – State of Rhode Island v. Victor Colebut is a vicious prosecution, Victor is a scapegoat.
RI Firefighter EMTs Suspended for Failing to Treat Emergency Call Victim – Who Later Died – Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) has suspended two licensed Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), after a call for a “person down” ultimately resulted in the patient’s death. According to RIDOH, the patient passed away following the failure of the required state treatment protocol from the two healthcare professionals. Terrence O’Neill and Michael Garcia, while employed as Pawtucket Fire Department Firefighter/EMTs, responded to the emergency call in January 2022 for an unresponsive male lying against a snowbank.
911 tapes indicate delayed response in R.I. woman’s death – October 25, 2007
City loses suit involving patient who bled to death waiting for ambulance – There was a delay of about 15 minutes until an ambulance was dispatched, and another three minutes for the ambulance to arrive
The City of Pawtucket has agreed to pay five city firefighters $1,000 each for unlawfully searching their firehouse lockers. Firefighters Noah LeBlanc, Stephen Garlick, Manuel Benevides, Scott McDonald, and Steven Como filed suit last December alleging a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. (ref. https://www.firelawblog.com/2024/07/10/pawtucket-settles-firefighters-locker-search-case/)
In Re State v. Dufour; “The majority, however, in addition to finding a violation of defendant’s safeguards under the fourth amendment also grounds its decision on § 9-19-25 which provides that:
“In the trial of any action in any court of this state, no evidence shall be admissible where the same shall have been procured by, through or in consequence of any illegal search and seizure as prohibited in section 6 of article 1 of the constitution of the state of Rhode Island.” (quoting State v. Dufour, 99 R.I. 120, 206 A.2d 82 (R.I. 1965))
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