Why is RI E-911 Caller, Victor Colebut, being deprived of fairness and equality and subjected to psychological torture?
Pawtucket Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, Denied RI E911 caller a rescue and caused a 33 minute Delay – Police respond and a woman’s condition worsens and becomes fatal while in RI Pawtucket Police Dept.’s Care, Custody and Control for 24 minutes while EMTs and a Rescue are told to Stage for Police
Pawtucket Police responded to the Rhode Island E 911 call for medical-aid and a rescue on February 17, 2020 and unreasonably arrested a RI E 911 caller, Victor Colebut, in his home without probable cause or a warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment § 1; and in violation of RI Constitution Article 1 Section 6.
Without due diligence and while the case is still pending and has not been adjudicated the Pawtucket Police Department Chief, Tina Goncalves, in 2021 presented Awards of Excellence to officer’s who responded to a Rhode Island E 911 medical emergency call due to false exigent circumstance created by the Pawtucket Police Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, and unreasonably seized a good-faith 911 caller, Victor Colebut, a man who was in his home where he lived alone and had sole standing. see Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) (The Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits the police from making a warrantless and nonconsensual entry into a suspect’s home in order to make a routine felony arrest. Pp. 445 U. S. 583-603.)
Ref: Pawtucket Police Department 2021 Annual Report – Pg|68
The Pawtucket Police Responded to a 911 Medical Emergency Call for a Rescue – Police Seized the 911 caller, Victor Colebut, Searched his home and took two cell phones and other property, and the police remained in Victor Colebut’s residence without a warrant.
The last page of the above pdf is pg 32 of State’s discovery, signed by SHANNON SIGNORE and it clearly state’s there is no known warrant to the state… that was signed five (5) months after Victor was arrested in his home where he had sole standing.
- Field Training Officer (FTO) Dianne Rittman-McLaughlin and Officer Nicholas Sisto were not the first responders; Officers Gretchan Galvin and Jordan Coty were first on scene.
- The RI E 911 call for medical aid and a rescue was not a 911 hang-up as police falsely reported.
- The responding officer’s knew the nature of the RI E 911 call and the complete address with the floor number where a rescue and medical assistance was needed for an unresponsive female.
- Officer Nicholas Sisto handcuffed and seized Victor in his home without probable cause or a warrant.
- The Pawtucket Police although responding to a RI E 911 medical aid call forced Victor Colebut out of his home while barefoot and wearing only shorts while in handcuffs in February, 21° temperature and did transport him to the Pawtucket Police Station where Victor was locked in a cell for approximately twelve (12) hours.
- The Pawtucket Police, after detaining Victor Colebut for twelve (12) hours then interrogated Victor Colebut incommunicado for nearly eight hours while without counsel and while depriving Victor Colebut access to a telephone in violation of the laws and constitution(s)
- The Pawtucket Police unnecessarily detained Victor Colebut at the Pawtucket Police Department for thirty-one (31) hours before presenting him in District Court on February 18, 2020 in violation of the Constitution and Rule 5(a) and charged him based on information obtained subsequent to seizing him in his home without a warrant and during an unreasonable and unnecessary police detention and unconstitutional interrogation.
- February 18, 2020 Victor was charged with Domestic Simple Assault, Disorderly Conduct and Violation of a No Contact Order in 62-2020-02013 and presented as a bail violator in case 62-2020-00738 due to the new unfounded charges and he was remanded to the Intake Service Center where he has been since.
- May 7, 2020 Victor Colebut was charged in District Court case 62-2020-03831 for the exact same incident and set of facts as in 62-2020-2013 and he was charged by complaint for an indictable offense; murder. But Victor Colebut was not arrested for the new charge, he was not in court or arraigned, and he did not know about the new charge.
- On May 7, 2020 Victor Colebut was detained at the ACI Intake Service Center serving 90 days for the 46(g) issued on March 4, 2020 due to the unfounded charges in 62-2020-02013
- On May 7, 2020 case 62-2020-00738 was used to manipulate the Courts and fake a new 46(g) to further hold him because the grand jury had not yet convened. This tactic confirms the Patucket Police Departments motives, Detective David Silva told the deceased parents that the police were doing everything they could to make sure that Victor Colebut is never released. That interview was two days after their daughters passing. Silva even knocked on wood.
- With regards to the District Court case 62-2020-03831, the police/prosecutors, the state’s attorneys Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke and all of the defense attorney’s involved conspired and agreed to deprive Victor Colebut of his Constitutional rights and protections.
- Noah Kilroy and Angela Lawless represented Mr. Colebut in 62-2020-00738 and knowingly allowed their case to be used to unlawfully hold Victor Colebut; Jeffrey Peckham was assigned to 62-2020-02013 and 62-2020-03831 and Eric Slingo was assigned to 62-2020-03831 they all agreed with the state’s attorney’s Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke to present as a bail violator in Kilroy’s case a second time and use an egregious 46(g) to 1) Stop Victor Colebut’s re-admittance to bail hearing scheduled for May 18, 2020 and 2) to continue to hold without bail.
- May 7, 2020 Victor Colebut’s signature was forged on official documents as he sat in prison clueless. Yet, he was charged by Criminal Complaint in District Court for an Indictable Offense. This means that the prosecution decided that there was probable cause to charge Murder – which is the duty of the Grand Jury
- July 8, 2020 a grand jury indicted for a serious crime; domestic murder, simple assault and violation of a no contact order in Superior Case P1-2020-1991ADV Jeffrey Peckham and Eric Slingo were assigned to this case too (the indictment has an altered incident date of February 16, 2020) Victor Colebut was charged a second time for Murder – case 62-2020-03831 was closed and is listed on P1-2020-1991ADV as a related case but case 62-2020-02013 which Jeffrey Peckham was representing was still pending and it should have been closed and also listed as a related case – all three cases stem from the exact same set of facts and incident date of February 17, 2020.
- July 29, 2020 Victor pleaded NOT Guilty to the indictment and demanded a Speedy Trial but the Court Docket was altered to reflect “Defendant RETRACTS plea of Not Guilty” and it would take several request for Jeffrey Peckhman or Eric Slingo to have the prejudicial public docket corrected; they were immediately contacted on August 4, 2020.
- A Motion for a Speedy Trial was begrudgingly filed August 30, 2020 and later passed on October 7, 2020 without Mr. Colebut’s knowledge as he sat in prison awaiting a Bail Hearing and his Speedy Trial.
- January 29, 2021 the statutory period in RI Gen L § 12-13-7 expired and Victor had not been bailed or tried. From October 6, 2020 until February 15, 2021 Jeffrey Peckham and Eric Slingo had no communication with Victor Colebut and had ignored his letters and phone calls in retaliation to a request sent to the Chief Public Defender on the 5th of October 2020 for assistance with representation.
- Mr. Colebut has never had the effective assistance of counsel that the Consititution guarantees or the benefit of a bail hearing in more than three (3) years. He has been deprived the right to Due Process and fair treatment.
- June 17, 2021 the family hired private counsel, Gary Pelletier, who refused to file a Motions to Dismiss for Failure to Obtain a Speedy Trial or a Prompt Trial or a Bail Hearing or do anything on behalf of his client.
- Criminal defense attorney Gary G. Pelletier stole $10,000 from Mr. Colebut’s family, split fees with his friend, attorney Donna Uhlman who referred him.
“The term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law. “
Abbott, Geoffrey. “lynching”. Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/lynching. Accessed 21 July 2023.
If the police accuse and charge someone of a crime then the state must prosecute according to the applicable rules, statues and constitution. The state’s attorney’s, assistant attorney general’s Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke, are playing cat and mouse games with an innocent man’s life and making a mockery of the Rhode Island Judicial System.
If they had even a scintilla of inculpatory evidence or sufficient evidence to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, all the elements, mens rea and actus rea, they would have went to trial 3 years ago. The police never met their burden to prove corpus delecti, because this was an over-dose, so they fabricated a story and falsified records. And as you read above then the Pawtucket Police who have an unhealthy obsession with solving murder cases “took credit for solving a made-up murder”.
This case is a waste of tax payers dollars and a disgrace to the decent, honest Law Enforcement Officer’s and the Rhode Island Justice System.
The conduct of the Assistant Attorney General’s, Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke, defines the Racial and Ethnic Unfairness in the Judicial System that the Rhode Island Committee on Racial and Ethic Fairness (CREF) was established to end.
This case should be dismissed and Victor Colebut should be set free.
How Can I Help?
- You can write or call the Rhode Island Attorney General on behalf of Mr. Colebut – RI Office of the Attorney General – 150 South Main Street – Providence, RI 02903
(401) 274-4400 (Or send and email to: ag@riag.ri.gov) You can copy and paste a link to the Petition in an email and forward to RI Attorney General Peter Neronha – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller - You can write or call the Rhode Island Governor on behalf of Mr. Colebut – Office of the Governor
82 Smith Street – Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 222-2080 (Or send and email to governor@governor.ri.gov) You can copy and paste a link to the Petition in an email and forward to the RI Governor Daniel McKee – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller - You can write to the RI Committee on Racial and Ethnic Fairness (CREF) – cref@courts.ri.gov and You can copy and paste a link to the Petition in an email and forward to the Honorable Justices of CREF – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller
- Please show your support by signing and sharing the petition to Attorney General Peter Neronha who has the power to drop the unfounded charges and Rhode Island Governor Daniel McKee who has the power and duty to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. You can share a link to the Petition with friends, family and on your social media – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller
“Courage is fear that has said its prayers”
Karl Barth, Swiss Theologian