Pawtucket Police Department Dispatcher “MICHAEL FIDALGO” refused to send a rescue and A LIFE WAS LOST!

Defendant Victor Colebut Learns in Late 2024 Information that the State’s Attorney’s Knowingly and Intentionally Did Not Disclose in it’s Discovery Signed and Dated July 29, 2020 the following information

Defendant Victor Colebut Learns in Late 2022 Information that the State’s Attorney’s Knowingly and Intentionally Did Not Disclose in it’s Discovery Signed and Dated July 29, 2020 the following information

Report: Black people far more likely to be wrongly convicted than whites | Friday Morning Coffee

More than 3,200 people have been exonerated since 1989. More than half of them are Black, according to a new study

By: John L. Micek – October 7, 2022 7:20 am

Pawtucket Fire Dispatcher, civilian employee Michael Fidalgo, [UPDATE 2025: Canceled Advanced Life Support (ALS) and the Paramedics,] refused to dispatch the Basic Life Support (BLS) and EMTs and unnecessarily STAGED the BLS and Re-Routed a RI E-911 medical emergency call to the Police.

Police responded and a woman’s condition worsened and became fatal while the patient, later identified as Kristine Candace Ohler, was in RI Pawtucket Police Dept.’s Care, Custody and Control for 24 minutes.

Advanced Life Support (ALS) and the Paramedics were canceled and the Basic Life Support (BLS) EMTs and a Rescue were Staging for police unnecessarily and a woman dies.

The Rhode Island E-911 Call Taker and the RI, Pawtucket Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, have never investigated about how they handled the 911call for medical assistance on Feb. 17, 2020.

It is possible that Dispatcher Michael Fidalgo is no longer with the Pawtucket Police Department as a Communications Dispatcher. He is back to food service is now working as an “Assistant General Manager” at Feast and Fettle located at 881 Waterman Ave. in East Providence, Rhode Island.

Police arrived at 00:35 a.m. and BASIC Life Support and EMTs/Rescue arrived at 00:59 a.m. – 24 Minutes after police

Without due diligence and while the case is still pending and has not been adjudicated the Pawtucket Police Department Chief, Tina Goncalves, in 2021 presented Awards of Excellence to officer’s who responded to a Rhode Island E 911 medical emergency call due to false exigent circumstance created by the Pawtucket Police Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, and unreasonably seized a good-faith 911 caller, Victor Colebut, a man who was in his home where he lived alone and had sole standing. (see Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) (The Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits the police from making a warrantless and nonconsensual entry into a suspect’s home in order to make a routine felony arrest. Pp. 445 U. S. 583-603.))

Ref: Pawtucket Police Department 2021 Annual Report – Pg|68

Pretrial decisions by courts and prosecutors also greatly impact the likelihood of wrongful convictions for Black and brown people. Black and Latinx people accused of crimes are more likely to be detained pretrial, putting their jobs, housing, and families at risk. When prosecutors offer a plea bargain that would allow a person immediate release from pretrial detention, there is a strong incentive for an innocent person to agree to plead guilty and accept responsibility for a crime they didn’t commit. Nearly 25% of those exonerated since 1989 pled guilty, and nearly 75% of this number are Black and brown people.

RACE and WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS the Innocent Project

“The term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law. “
Abbott, Geoffrey. “lynching”. Encyclopedia Britannica, Accessed 21 July 2023.

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers”

Karl Barth, Swiss Theologian

Dismiss the Indictment & Set Victor Colebut Free

If the police accuse and charge someone of a crime then the state must prosecute according to the applicable rules, statues and constitution. The state’s attorney’s, assistant attorney general’s, Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke are playing cat and mouse games and making a mockery of the Rhode Island Judicial System. This case is a waste of government funds and tax payers dollars. It is a disgrace to the decent, honest assistant Attorney Generals, RI Public Defenders, criminal defense attorneys, Law Enforcement Officer’s and Judicial Officer’s of the Court.

Police investigatory practices such as deception in interrogations, threats to witnesses and the accused, and tainted witness identification are drivers of racial disparities in wrongful convictions. The cases of Black people exonerated from murder convictions are 50% more likely to involve police misconduct than those of white people exonerated from murder convictions.

The Innocent Project

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