“The term lynch law refers to a self-constituted court that imposes sentence on a person without due process of law. “
Abbott, Geoffrey. “lynching”. Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/lynching. Accessed 21 July 2023.


Pawtucket Fire Dispatcher, civilian employee Michael Fidalgo, refused to dispatch the EMTs and a Rescue, the Police responded to the Rhode Island E 911 call for medical-aid and a rescue that Victor Colebut made on February 17, 2020. A 911 caller was unreasonably arrested in his home without probable cause or a warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment § 1; and in violation of RI Constitution Article 1 Section 6.

Pawtucket Fire Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo caused more than a 30 minute Delay – Police responded and a woman’s condition worsened and became fatal while in RI Pawtucket Police Dept.’s Care, Custody and Control for 24 minutes while the EMTs and a Rescue were Staging for police. unnecessarily.

Police arrived at 00:35 a.m. AND EMTs/Rescue arrived at 00:59 a.m. – 24 Minutes after police

Police arrived at 00:35 a.m. AND EMTs/Rescue arrived at 00:59 a.m. – 24 Minutes after police

Without due diligence and while the case is still pending and has not been adjudicated the Pawtucket Police Department Chief, Tina Goncalves, in 2021 presented Awards of Excellence to officer’s who responded to a Rhode Island E 911 medical emergency call due to false exigent circumstance created by the Pawtucket Police Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, and unreasonably seized a good-faith 911 caller, Victor Colebut, a man who was in his home where he lived alone and had sole standing. see Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573 (1980) (The Fourth Amendment, made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, prohibits the police from making a warrantless and nonconsensual entry into a suspect’s home in order to make a routine felony arrest. Pp. 445 U. S. 583-603.)

Ref: Pawtucket Police Department 2021 Annual Report – Pg|68

This case should be dismissed and Victor Colebut should be set free.

If the police accuse and charge someone of a crime then the state must prosecute according to the applicable rules, statues and constitution. The state’s attorney’s, assistant attorney general’s Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke, are playing cat and mouse games with an innocent man’s life and making a mockery of the Rhode Island Judicial System.

This case is a waste of tax payers dollars and a disgrace to the decent, honest Law Enforcement Officer’s and the Rhode Island Justice System.

You Can Help and Show Your Support

  1. You can write or call the Rhode Island Attorney General on behalf of Mr. Colebut – RI Office of the Attorney General – 150 South Main Street – Providence, RI 02903
    (401) 274-4400
    (Or send and email to: ag@riag.ri.gov) You can copy and paste a link to the Petition in an email and forward to RI Attorney General Peter Neronha – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller
  2. You can write or call the Rhode Island Governor on behalf of Mr. Colebut – Office of the Governor
    82 Smith Street – Providence, RI 02903
    Phone: (401) 222-2080
    (Or send and email to governor@governor.ri.gov) You can copy and paste a link to the Petition in an email and forward to the RI Governor Daniel McKee – https://change.org/freedom-for-ri-e911-caller

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers”

Karl Barth, Swiss Theologian
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