RI Prosecutors Oppose Bail and Ignore the Rules, Statues and Constitution and Hold Without Bail (HWOB) – P1-2020-1991ADV

Rhode Island Constitution Article 1 Section 9 (R.I. Const., Art. I, Sec. IX) Right to bail — Habeas corpus was/is applicable to Mr. Colebut in District Court Case 62-2020-03831 and Superior Court Case P1-2020-1991ADV and has been violated. RI Art. I § 9 states in pertinent part: “All persons imprisoned ought to be bailed by sufficient surety, unless for offenses punishable by imprisonment for life…when the proof of guilt is evident or the presumption great. Section 9 of the RI Constitution goes on and states clearly that, The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety shall require it; nor ever without the authority of the general assembly.”

RI Gen L § 12-13-1.1 Hearings when state opposes bail section (a) addresses how the courts are to handle the prosecutions opposition to bail – that is when they argue that the defendant should be held without bail (HWOB), the RI Statue § 12-13-1.1(a) states in pertinent part: “In all cases where the state opposes the granting of bail in respect to offenses punishable by imprisonment for life…or of an offense punishable by imprisonment for life pursuant to the provisions of R.I. Const., Art. I, Sec. IX hearings shall be held in the superior court unless arrangements are made by the parties for a stenographic or electronic recording of proceedings in the district court.”

The rules and statues also require that when presented as a bail violator the court and defendant shall be given a copy of said violation report. After being unreasonably, unnecessarily and unlawfully locked in a cell on Monday, February 17, 2020 at approximately 1:21 AM and held incommunicado at the Pawtucket Police Station (and not being presented before a magistrate or judge on MONDAY morning at 9:00 AM) until Tuesday morning February 18, 2020 at 9:00 AM when presented in District Court Mr. Colebut. The defendant never received a bail violation report on March 4, 2020 in District Court Case 62-2020-00738

Rule 5 (a) is very clear in its language; “Any person making an arrest without a warrant shall take the arrested person without unnecessary delay before a judicial officer of the District Court for the division in which the arrest was made or in which the crime was committed.” Also, in Rule 5(a) it is clearly stated, “When a person arrested without a warrant is brought before a judicial officer a complaint shall be filed in accordance with Dist. R. Crim. P. 1(d) and (e). Whenever an arrest shall be made, the arrested person shall be afforded a prompt hearing for the purpose of admission to bail before a judicial officer of the District Court or bail commissioner.”

We cannot ignore these facts; on May 7, 2020 while Mr. Colebut was held at the Adult Correctional Institute, Intake Service Center he did not know anything about the new charge in District Court Case 62-2020-03831. Mr. Colebut was not physically presented in court, his name was forged on official documents.

On May 7, 2020 while while Mr. Colebut was locked up and serving 90 days for the 46(g) issued on March 4, 2020 in case 62-2020-00738 due to the new charges in case 62-2020-02013 the prosecutors faked a 46g and bail violator presentment in District Court Case 62-2020-03831 – for the same incident on February 17, 2020 – Mr. Colebut was not provided with a copy of that violation report on May 7, 2020 in District Court Case 62-2020-00738

The Pawtucket Police never proved Corpus Delicti they relied on a coerced statement obtained during a police detention and incommunicado, inhumane, lengthy interrogation that began more than six (6) hours after the RI E-911 caller was seized and arrested in his home without a warrant or probable cause in violation of Rule 5(a) initial presentment.

Two (2) months after the body was destroyed by cremation and evidence was allegedly lost e.g., patient’s top, hospital gown, I/O needle in the right tibia, the LMA BIAD mask and tubing etc., and after receiving the final toxicology report in late March of 2020 the medical examiner who performed three autopsies on Feb. 17/18 of 2020, Dr. Patricia Ogera, suddenly ‘amended’ her final autopsy report on May 4, 2020 and later on May 24, 2020 Dr. Patricia Ogera also amended the death certificate. Then on May 7, 2020 the police filed an indictable offense in district court to stop the defendant’s re-admittance to bail hearing that was scheduled for May 18, 2020 and canceled because of prosecutor misconduct and a fake 46g.

State of Rhode Island v. Victor Colebut – P1-2020-1991ADV

Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke had a copy of he ‘original recording’ of the RI E-911 Call that Victor Colebut made on February 17, 2020 the night in question in this case and they intentionally withheld the dispatcher’s identity and the records of that 911 call from the defense for more than four (4) years – This is a viscous prosecution

(mouse over and scroll the below pdf document to view)

Victor Colebut was seized and arrested in his home on February 17, 2020 without probable cause or a warrant; two cell phones were illegally seized in a home without a warrant; DNA was illegally seized without a warrant and submitted to CODIS with a false report of a crime; the illegally seized and fraudulently submitted DNA was denied inclusion into the database.

R.I. Super. Ct. R. Crim. P. 3 – The Complaint (II. Preliminary Proceedings) “The complaint is a written statement setting forth the offense charged and shall be certified by the Office of the Attorney General or the authorized law enforcement agency. A judicial officer of the District Court or an officer empowered to issue warrants against persons charged with committing criminal offenses shall require the complainant to swear to the facts of the complaint under oath.

R.I. Super. Ct. R. Crim. P. 4 (a) Arrest Warrant. (1) Issuance. If it appears from the complaint, or from the statement or statements made and subscribed to before a judicial officer of the District Court or other officer empowered to issue warrants, that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the defendant has committed it, a warrant for the arrest of the defendant shall issue to any officers authorized to execute it. Accordingly, Rule 4 (a)(3) [Execution and Return of a Warrant] and section (D) Return. “The officer executing an arrest warrant shall make return thereof to the judicial officer before whom the defendant is brought pursuant to Rule 5.”

R.I. Super. Ct. R. Crim. P. 5 (a) “Appearance Before the District Court. “Unless otherwise provided by statue, and officer making an arrest under a warrant issued upon a complaint shall take the arrested person without unnecessary delay before a judicial officer of the District Court as commanded in the warrant.” While being held without bail Mr. Colebut was charged on May 7, 2020 in District Court Case 62-2020-03831 and he was not brought before the court.

Why would the Assistant AG’s, Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke Hide Dispatcher Negligence?

RI Pawtucket Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, Canceled Paramedics and Ambulance and a Life Was Lost

RI Pawtucket Dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, Falsely Reported a RI E-911 Call for a ‘non-responsive female’ as a death investigation and dispatched as an ‘unknown medical’ and caused a delay of care and a life was lost

Pawtucket Rhode Island, Police entered a home in response to dispatcher Michael Fidalgo’s orders and misconduct on FEBRUARY 17, 2020 and did make a felony arrest of a RI E-911 caller without a warrant or probable cause for allegedly ‘slapping a wall, punching his fridge, standing in a bladed stance and balling his fist‘ in his home.

The Pawtucket Police Department recently settled a lawsuit for violating their own Fire Department’s Fourth Amendment Rights no one is above the law.

Justice delayed is justice denied!

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