It is the government’s duty to ensure fairness to all persons.

Why is the state of Rhode Island’s Attorney General’s Office pursing a case with insufficient evidence? Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke know have approached the Courts with dirty hands.


Why has Victor Colebut been held without bail for more than four (4) years and six (6) months without due process? Victor Colebut has been denied a “bail hearing”, yet he has been held without bail (HWOB) for more than four (4) years and six (6) months.

This type of MALICIOUS PROSECUTION and there is evidence of the fire dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo a Pawtucket Police Department civilian employee, bias dispatching and gross negligence.

The systemic inequity and judiciary corruption that exist in this case and the state of Rhode Island and its Courts is unconstitutional and inhumane.

RHODE ISLAND A.G. Peter F. Neronha’s special assistant attorney general Jonathan Burke and assistant attorney general Shannon Signore have been maliciously pursuing the life of a good-faith RI E-911 caller with a total disregard for the facts, laws, and both state and federal constitutions for more than FOUR (4) YEARS and SIX (6) months.

  • The Police Dispatcher, MICHAEL FIDALGO, is Responsible for re-routing a RI E-911 medical emergency call for a rescue to the police and for creating an exigent circumstance and more than a 30 Minute Delay in life-saving medical assistance.
  • The Police Dispatcher, MICHAEL FIDALGO, acted with malice and intentionally withheld the Rescue by Unreasonable Staging
  • The Police Dispatcher, MICHAEL FIDALGO, was a civilian employee of the Pawtucket Police Department on February 17, 2020
  • The Responding Officer’s of the Pawtucke Police Department Conduct Caused the Patient’s Condition to Worsen and Become Fatal
  • MICHAEL FIDALGO must be held accountable for his unethical and wanton conduct

Who would having Victor Colebut “deemed dead” protect and from what?

Most lay people probably do not know this but a life sentence for Mr. Colebut would not only cover-up what really happened on the night in question and the official actions and conduct that has followed it would deem Victor Colebut dead.

R.I. Gen. Laws § 13-6-1

Current through 2024 Public Law 4 Section 13-6-1 – Life prisoners deemed civilly dead

Every person imprisoned in the adult correctional institutions for life shall, with respect to all rights of property, to the bond of matrimony and to all civil rights and relations of any nature whatsoever, be deemed to be dead in all respects, as if his or her natural death had taken place at the time of conviction. However, the bond of matrimony shall not be dissolved, nor shall the rights to property or other rights of the husband or wife of the imprisoned person be terminated or impaired, except on the entry of a lawfully obtained decree for divorce.


We know that RI Assistant Attorney General Shannon Signore had hopes of becoming a Judge but did not make it. Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke are personally invested in being the ‘superhero’ prosecutors that covers for the police. The prosecutors have no witnesses and have insufficient evidence.

Obviously both Jonathan Burke and Shannon Signore really want to prove that they are ‘that type of dirty low down’ team-players with the guts to look at the laws and rules and snub their noses. Burke and Signore have a hidden agenda, get the job done despite the facts or fairness. The RI Attorney General has a responsibility to ensure it’s attorney’s are not utilizing a “the end justifies the means mentality”.

AG Peter Neronha has failed to conduct a transparent and fair “INVESTIGATION” into how DISPATCHER MICHAEL FIDALGO [who REFUSED to SEND a RESCUE and intentionally delayed medical care with his wanton actions] handled a 911 call during an over-dose. A life was lost due to a unreasonable delay, more than 30 minutes, of the rescue and life-saving medical assistance.

Jonathan Burke and Shannon Signore are trying to send an innocent man to his death for personal gain and more likely than not to prove their loyalty to law enforcement and friends. That is a disgrace to the Rhode Island Justice System.

AG Peter Neronha why has your office failed to conduct a transparent and fair “INVESTIGATION” of the Rhode Island E-911 Call that Victor Colebut made on February 17, 2020

RI Good Samaritan Law Was Enacted to Protect RI E-911 Callers from this Type of Police Abuse of Powers

(a) Any person who, in good faith, without malice and in the absence of evidence of an intent to defraud, seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose or other drug- or alcohol-related medical emergency shall not be charged or prosecuted for any crime related to the possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, or the operation of a drug-involved premises, if the evidence for the charge was gained as a result of the seeking of medical assistance.

(b) A person who experiences a drug or alcohol overdose or other drug- or alcohol-related medical emergency and is in need of medical assistance shall not be charged or prosecuted for any crime related to the possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, possession or transportation of alcohol by an underage person, or the operation of a drug-involved premises, if the evidence for the charge was gained as a result of the overdose and the need for medical assistance.

(d) The immunity related to the possession of a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, possession or transportation of alcohol by an underage person, or the operation of a drug-involved premises afforded under this section shall also extend to a violation of probation and/or parole on those grounds.

WHAT WOULD WINNING A CASE WITH SO MUCH AT STAKE MEAN FOR THE PAWTUCKET POLICE DEPARTMENT? That is a question with many answers, too many valid reasons. The gist of it all is obvious.

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