BCI Officer Mark Ramos Falsifies Records

If you review the official Pawtucket Police Dept. Crime Scene Log then you see that BCI Officer Mark Ramos was actively involved. The extent of his involvement raises brows and causes concern. One thing that cannot be denied is the fact that he was a very active participant and assistant to Detectives David Silva and Hans Cute. (both detectives have since retired, Hans Cute was re-hired as a Pawtucket Police Department civilian employee) These three law enforcement officers conspired and played a significant role in the misconduct. Pawtucket Police Department BCI Officer Mark Ramos went out of his way to use his position and power to assist his fellow police officers. Mr. Ramos is definitely a team player and that makes him a danger and threat to the public.
Pawtucket BCI Officer Mark Ramos Submits False Information to Miriam Hospital to Gain Access to Kristine Ohler’s Body in the Emergency Room
Why lie? There is a thin line between human error and willful deception. At some point it becomes obvious that the errors are intentional attempts to fudge the records and deceive. When these dishonest attempts jump out at you it is impossible to dismiss. In Rhode Island Emergency Room deaths that occur within 24 hours of the patient being admitted are “hospital deaths” and they are investigated by the Medical Examiner’s Office. Kristine Ohler was admitted to Miriam Hospital at 1:38 am on Februray 17, 2020, one hour and eleven minutes after Victor Colebut dialed RI E 911 for a rescue. The patient was pronounced dead by the Emergency Room doctor on duty at 1:49 am on February 17, 2020.
Why did the Pawtucket Police Department Want to Access Kristine Ohler’s Body before the Rhode Island Medical Examiner’s Office?

Did Detective Hans Cute Use the Butt of his Weapon to Hit the Corpse of Kristine Ohler in the Face in the ER?
Three law enforcement officer’s attended the autopsy of Kristine Candace Ohler; Detectives Hans Cute and David Silva as well as B.C.I. Officer Mark Ramos apparently were disappointed that there was no nose fracture and that, or possibly the suggestion of the state’s assistant attorney general Shannon Signore, may have prompted them to request two additional autopsies in hopes of accusing Victor of raping her since the police fabricated broken nose story failed.
Again Detective Hans Cute and David Silva must have been disappointed to learn police fabricated rape story failed.
February 17, 2020 at the Scene:
Sgt. Braga was called and arrived at Mr. Colebut’s apartment at 00:51 prior to the EMTs and a rescue that arrived at 00:59 and he told one of the officer’s who responded to 65 Fountain St. 3rd floor in Pawtucket, RI in response to Mr. Colebut’s RI E 911 medical emergency call that was re-routed to the police by the Pawtucket dispatcher to follow the rescue to the hospital.
Pawtucket Police Officer Jordan Coty, one of the first responders, was at Miriam Hospital when Pawtucket Detective Hans Cute and Pawtucket BCI Officer Mark Ramos arrived in the Emergency Room.
Both BCI Officer Mark Ramos and Pawtucket Detective Hans Cute filled out a Lifespan “Law Enforcement Official (LEO) Initiated Request for Permitted Disclosure and Use of Protected Health Care information (PHI) on February 17, 2020 and Authorization to Use or Disclose PHI was Scanned at 3:35 AM by Miriam Hospital staff member Iris S Gomez.
According to Patient Care Records (PCR) in the Medical Examiner & Autopsy Info on February 17, 2020 at 03:13 am Medical Examiner Information Yes is clearly selected for all deaths that occur in the Emergency Department (ED) and under ME Accepted Body? It states, Yes by Angela Sawyer.
Three Pawtucket Police officers accessed Kristine Ohler’s body prior to the Medical Examiner, Patricia Ogera, who performed the autopsy on February 17, 2020 at 8:55 am. According to the Lifespan LEO Authorization Form BCI Det. Ramos (Badge #75) knowingly checked off:
- “To photograph deceased patient as authorized by the Next of kin…” and,
- “For investigation of a patient who is (or is suspected to be) a victim of a crime (EXCLUDING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)…” [Ramos knew that the police were accusing Victor Colebut of domestic violence which is specifically excluded.]

Why Did Detective Hans Cute and B.C.I. Officer Mark Ramos Conspire to Gain Access to Kristine Candace Ohler’s body before the Medical Examiner in an Emergency Room Death?
Both Detective Hans Cute and BCI Officer Mark Ramos knew that the Pawtucket Police and EMT/Firefighters, albeit falsely, reported to Miriam Hospital staff that the patient was the victim of domestic violence. According to R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-37.3-4 (a)(2) “Any person who violates the provisions of this section may be liable for actual and punitive damages.” and section (a)(4) states, “Any person who knowingly and intentionally violates the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than five thousand ($5,000) dollars for each violation, or imprisoned not more than six (6) months for each violation, or both.”
The Pawtucket Police did photograph the deceased and did present the images taken at Miriam Hospital ER to the Grand Jury and misrepresented the facts. Detective David Silva testified while under oath and said that he was at the “scene” when the photographs were taken, but the unlawful custodial interrogation of Mr. Colebut reveals the truth. BECAUSE they were plotting and planning how to pin a crime on an innocent 911 caller, after the fact, the Pawtucket Police Department decided to falsely claim that the photo’s were taken at the apartment to match their narrative. The Pawtucket Police falsely reported that they were responding to a 911 hang-up and a death investigation – the 911 call alone discredits this fabricated story.
The patient was treated for an Opioid overdose with Narcon by the EMTs and Miriam Hospital staff. Pawtucket Police, the EMTs and hospital all reference possible “track marks” on her, and her parents told Detective David Silva and Detective Hans Cute on February 20, 2020 during a “Family Interview” they believed their daughter was using drugs. Kristine Ohler’s mother told the Pawtucket Dectectives that Friday, February 14, 2020 (days before her overdose) her daughter admitted that she was using Molly. Ohler’s father told the Police that he believed that his daughter was using “dope” and he was convinced that Kristine was shooting up Heroin.
Detective Hans Cute, Detective Mark Ramos and Officer Jordan Coty all gained access to the deceased body in the Miriam Hospital Emergency Room. Detective Mark Ramos photographed the deceased patient. Afterwards, the hospital then contacted the New England Donor Bank on February 17, 2020 at 4:15 am.

Everything about how the patient was treated is consistent with an over-dose; her post mortem BAC was 0.163% which is more than twice the legal limit. The BAC drops at 0.15% per hour and the test was done seven hours after the patient was pronounced dead by the hospital ER doctor. This information was hidden from Mr. Colebut by his defense counsel. The patient care records were withheld from the defendant until the “generated” date shown above of 4-9-21.

BCI Officer Mark Ramos Attends Kristine Ohler’s Autopsy
At 8:55 am on Monday, February 17, 2020 Victor Colebut was still locked in a cell at the Pawtucket Police Station in RI while Detectives David Silva and Hans Cute and BCI Officer Mark Ramos attend the first of three autopsies that would be performed on the body of Kristine Ohler by Rhode Island Medical Examiner, Patricia Ogera who was accompanied by her assistant. After attending the autopsy the detectives returned to the Pawtucket Police Station, took Victor Colebut out of the cell in the basement where he had been for 12 hours and led him up to a windowless room.
Pawtucket Police Department Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) Officer, Mark Ramos (badge 75) submitted Victor Colebut’s DNA that was illegally obtained by the Pawtucket Police Dept. to the Combined DNA Indexed System (CODIS) with falsified official documents. The DNA was rejected for addition into CODIS for the February 19, 2020 submission and for the September 8, 2020 submission. (continued below)
Detective Silva informed Victor Colebut that he was being charged with violation of a No Contact Order which is not a crime defined in R.I. G. Laws § 12-1.5-2 nor did he plead guilty or nolo contendere, nor was he convicted of any felony. However, during an eight hour incommunicado custodial interrogation the Pawtucket Police did unlawfully seize DNA from an unknowing Mr. Colebut in violation of R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1.5-8 (a) Every person arrested for a crime of violence as defined in § 12-1.5-2, who pleads guilty or nolo contendere, or is convicted of any felony shall have a DNA sample taken for analysis as follows:
R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1.5-8 (b) Every person arrested for any crime of violence as defined in § 12-1.5-2 shall, at the time of booking, have a DNA sample taken for analysis and included in the Rhode Island DNA database and DNA databank respectively as required by this chapter and every such person shall be notified of his or her expungement rights under § 12-1.5-13 at or near the time the DNA sample is taken.
What are the “Crimes of Violence” defined in 12-1.5-2(8)
R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1.5-2 (8) “Crimes of violence” include murder, manslaughter, first-degree arson, kidnapping with intent to extort, robbery, larceny from the person, first-degree sexual assault, second-degree sexual assault, first-and-second degree child molestation, assault with intent to murder, assault with intent to rob, assault with intent to commit first-degree sexual assault, burglary, and entering a dwelling house with intent to commit murder, robbery, sexual assault, or larceny.
Pawtucket Police Department BCI Officer Mark Ramos Knowingly, Intentionally and Willingly Submitted DNA to CODIS on February 19, 2020 with the intent to defraud – the DNA was not included in the database.
Pawtucket BCI Officer Mark Ramos knew that Mr. Colebut was NOT charged with “Domestic Murder” and on February 19, 2020 Officer Mark Ramos submitted the DNA to CODIS with false information. Giving a false document to agent, employee, or public official is a crime according to the law.
R.I. Gen. L. § 11-18-1 (a) No person shall knowingly give to any agent, employee, servant in public or private employ, or public official any receipt, account, or other document in respect of which the principal, master, or employer, or state, city, or town of which he or she is an official is interested, which contains any statement which is false or erroneous, or defective in any important particular, and which, to his or her knowledge, is intended to mislead the principal, master, employer, or state, city, or town of which he or she is an official.

Page 2 of the rejected DNA was presented to the Grand Jury and it was Detective David Silva who read the conclusions but omitted the last paragraph and Shannon Signore and Jonathan Burke the State’s Assistant Attorney General’s allowed this misinformation and misconduct before the GJ. Page 3 was totally omitted because it clearly states in paragraph 1 line 2: “If specific documentation showing the origin of the evidence and its relation to the crime scene is not submitted/communicated, the profile will not be eligible for CODIS entry and will be not searched.”
Pawtucket BCI Detective Mark Ramos Tries a 2nd Time – As shown in the form on the left “Evidence Examination Request and Receipt” (ALL BIOLOGY/DNA CASES REQUIRE A COPY OF THE POLICE REPORT)

BCI Officer Mark Ramos Took Two Cell Phones from Victor Colebut’s Apartment without Proper Warrant(s) and Did Knowingly Violate the Fourth and Fourteenth § 1 Amendments
Pawtucket Police Officer Mark Ramos did knowingly and willingly take property from a home where the police did not have a warrant to search and without the proper warrant(s) to seize a cell phone. Det. Mark Ramos admits that while in Mr. Colebut’s home without without a warrant that Detective Hans Cute told him to take the mobile phones and he took the property without a search warrant.

Pawtucket Police Department B.C.I. Officer Mark Ramos must be Investigated and Held Accountable for his Fraudulent Acts and Violating the Fourth Amendment and RI Art., 1 § 6
BCI Officer Mark Ramos and the Pawtucket Police did submit dna to CODIS with false information and did trespass and improperly seize property from a home without a serach warrant. This conduct was unreasonable and violated Pawtucket Police Department policy, the Rhode Island laws and both state and federal constitutions.