Lucille Margaret Colebut & La’el Kristine Colebut
Victor called Kristine Queen and Kristine called Victor King. It was their way of lifting each other up when life and circumstances made them feel as if they were less than. They met in 2012 and became close friends. He was walking down Broad St. when he saw a man holding a woman by the neck inside of a convenience store. He opened the door and yelled, “Hey, let her go!” The guy shoved her into him and closed his door and locked it.
Standing outside the store she looked at him, “Fuck you, ni….!” She spat on him and he instinctively slapped her, “What the fuck, I was trying to help you!” Hot white tears began crawling down her face. “Are you okay?” He asked as they began walking.
She struggled with Bi-Polar episodes. At an early age she had been forced out of her mother’s home and onto the streets which contributed to her anger and alcohol abuse. When they met she was working at Olive Garden and living in a basement room on Cleveland St. in Providence. Shortly after they had met she lost her job because of her drug and alcohol abuse.

One night as they were leaving Broad St. where everyone hung out she offered him shelter from the freezing temperatures. He accepted. After that they became inseparable, the best of friends. In the streets he would stand up for her when she started fights with people. He was always interceding and stopping altercations.
Then one day while in the basement apartment on Cleveland St. she attacked him while having a Bi-Polar episode. He did not know why she was spazzing out, so he went across the hall and knocked on her sister’s door. But the sister and her boyfriend refused to open their door or get involved. He went back to the room and tried to calm her down as she kept swinging at him. Hearing all the commotion, the landlord called the police. The police arrived and as they approached her she darted past them and began banging her head on the door to her sister’s room and screaming; accusing the police of hitting her. Kristine was handcuffed and arrested. While the police photographed the room and his bloody body.

Note: The second paragraph shows how the police automatically handcuffed the black man and it was only when Kristine, a white woman, became hostile towards them and pushed a police officer and spat blood and mucus at the cop, that they asked Victor what happened and realized who the aggressor was – if Kristine didn’t attack the cops they would have arrested Victor for a crime he did not commit…
Witness Statement Officer Colt
After that incident Queen (Kristine) began telling King (Victor) about her past experiences. She tried to explain her Bi-Polar episodes, but he never fully understood her struggles with that. She could be calm one moment and then the next she would be raging. Nonetheless their friendship evolved, and she became pregnant. From the moment she knew that she was going to become a mother she had and unusual fear, unlike most new mothers. She was deadly afraid that the state would take her child from her when she gave birth.
Somehow the Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) learned of her pregnancy. A social worker told her that if she was living in the same place she would lose her child. She struggled with her sobriety and embraced her unborn child as the stress mounted. They were evicted from the room in the basement on Cleveland St. shortly before her baby was due, but her parents offered to let her stay with them. They said he could stay with them also since he was the father, but he would not. Instead he stayed in a room at a sober house owned by his father.
They gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Lucille Margaret Colebut on May 9, 2016. (Baby Lucy’s name was changed to Ohler by the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF))

It was a joyous moment and both families worked together to help them with their new baby girl. For about a month things were going well, but then suddenly she took baby Lucy and moved out of her parents home. She went to a shelter for mothers. He was still living at the sober house, and one day she showed up with baby Lucy and a diaper bag. She handed the baby to him and said that she needed a break and walked off. He took his little girl and cared for her. This was not his first child, so he knew how to change, feed, burp, bath and keep his daughter safe. No one, not even her parents, was prepared for what happened late that night.

At about 2:00 AM Kristine was found passed out in the street and was taken to detox. The police and DCYF were notified and the hunt for baby Lucy began. They rushed to her grandparent’s house and when her grandmother opened the door the police and DCYF rushed in and began searching the house but they did not find baby Lucy. Later that afternoon they went to the sober house where baby Lucy’s father was staying. Upon arriving the baby’s grandfather, who owned the sober house, allowed them to enter believing that they were only going to make sure baby Lucy was safe. They were led up to second floor. Baby Lucy was clean, fed and sleeping peacefully in her father’s arms. The DCYF worker explained to him that they had to take baby Lucy because her mother was in detox and there was no known father. “I’m her father.” Victor said as he hugged baby Lucy tightly and cried openly. His father and brother began hugging him and the baby and they all cried together.
The DCYF worker reached for baby Lucy and said that he had to take her. She was pulled from her father’s arms. The DCYF investigator gave him a business card and told him to call later to find out where baby Lucy was and what his rights were. Baby Lucy was taken into state custody and placed in foster care. Shortly after the baby was taken Kristine showed up at the sober house, and Victor told her that DCYF just took baby Lucy. “I’m sorry…”, she began crying and he pulled her close and hugged her. They were sobbing as they walked off together.
He dialed the telephone number on the business card first thing Monday morning. He was told that he needed proof that he was the father. It would take five months before the state did the DNA test; he was the father. His aunt immediately offered to take baby Lucy, she went through all the steps and she and her home were approved, but baby Lucy would never be reunited with her biological family or her parents.
Apparently, Kristine’s history of being arrested and sent for detox was the reason that the state had been investigating her and took baby Lucy. They did not acknowledge Victor as the father.
They turned to one another for the support and comfort they could find no where else. Monkey weed and alcohol became their way of escaping the guilt, pain and hopelessness that they felt.
He was still living at his father’s sober house, and she was staying at the Providence Center until she left. She wanted to stay with him at the sober house but her episodes caused too much commotion. Other residents began complaining and on December 16, 2016 his father had to ask her to leave.
It was snowing and cold outside, and although he could have stayed at the sober house he was not willing to let her wander off into the streets alone. He left with her, within hours they were in North Providence arguing about where they would sleep when the police showed up and arrested him.
She went to spend the night with a friend, and when he was released they met up. From that point on they where homeless. He could not and would not leave her alone on the streets. As most homeless people do they ate at soup kitchens and slept outdoors or in abandon buildings. With no address and addictions finding employment was impossible, so they scrapped metal as her father did and panhandled.
The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence Get’s 80% of Fees Collected For Domestic Related Arrest – A non profit organization profits from domestic violence cases
Yes, it is true pursuant to RI Gen L § 12-29-5 (b) “Every person convicted of, or placed on probation for, a crime involving domestic violence as enumerated in § 12-29-2, or whose case is filed pursuant to § 12-10-12 where the defendant pleads guilty or nolo contendere, in addition to other court costs or assessments imposed, shall be ordered to pay a one hundred twenty-five dollar ($125) assessment. Eighty percent (80%) of the assessment collected pursuant to this section shall be provided to the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence for programs to assist victims of domestic violence and twenty percent (20%) of the assessment shall be deposited as general revenue.”
Tonya Harris and Toni Marie Gomes Make a Defamatory and Libelous Statement for Impact – Did they even know Kristine Ohler?
“PAWTUCKET – Toni Marie Gomes, executive director at the Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center, and Tonya Harris, director of the R.I. Coalition Against Domestic Violence, released a joint statement on the killing of Kristine Ohler. “We are heartbroken by the death of Kristine Ohler, a 30-year-old woman whose life was stolen from her when she was killed by Victor Colebut,” they said.”
Group express heartbreak at killing of Ohler
By late 2017 things began to change as they each, although separately, were able to get into a rehab program and were successful at becoming sober. She was approved for housing and had a job in early 2018. DCYF told her that she could have home visits with baby Lucy but never allowed it.
She was expecting another child. La’el Kristine Colebut was born March 1, 2018 and she was suppose to go home with her mother but DCYF took her from the hospital. Her parents where at the hospital to pick her and baby La’el home, his father had bought a new stroller and car seat, and he stayed across the street. However when she walked out of the hospital without her newborn baby everyone was shocked. She did not know why they took La’el because they did everything that the state ordered.
He was still in Bridgemark Rehab for men maintaining his sobriety. By October 2018 he was working and had received the keys to his apartment in Pawtucket. Things were looking up for them. But they still had greater problems; their two little girls were in state custody. The one hour visits at DCYF once a week were heartbreaking, rushed and extremely stressful. But they loved their baby girls and was willing to do whatever it took to get them back. Reunification with biological parents is suppose to be the number one priority for DCYF, the mission is to provide parents with all of the resources available to help them, but nothing could be further from the truth.
It was early 2019, she was convinced that she would never be good enough for her girls because she could not give them a home with goats and ducks like the foster parents. They live on a farm and sell goat soap. Hopeless and feeling defeated she reluctantly signed away her parental rights. Torn apart and heartbroken her downward spiral began and she relapsed.
One night in March of 2019 she was found laying in the snow in North Providence near her apartment screaming. She had been drinking, fell, and hurt her ankle. She was taken to Fatima Hospital for detox. He would not sign his parental rights away, but he too eventually relapsed.
Relapsing is very common for those who suffer with drug or alcohol addictions. It is a disease; it is not a crime.
On February 6, 2020 he had relapsed and was alone at home drinking and unable to stop, so he did what they teach in rehab; call for help. He dialed 911 and a rescue arrived within minutes. He was transported to Miriam Hospital for detox and then transferred to the Phoenix House in Exeter, RI a rehab program. After safe detoxification and evaluation he was suppose to go into a residential program in Massachusetts. He began worrying about losing his housing while away, and he felt guilty for leaving her alone. He knew she had been drinking again, doing a drug called Molly, and she was hanging downtown at Kennedy Plaza. She had been sleeping outside even though she had an apartment. So he decided to leave the program and go home to secure his housing, and to make sure she was okay.
It was Valentine’s day weekend, and he returned home that Saturday, February 15, 2020. Sunday morning they met at a church in Providence and then rode the bus together to North Providence where she lived. She packed a bag to spend the night at his apartment in Pawtucket. They arrived at his apartment that afternoon at about 3 PM. She cooked tacos, they walked to the store, played video games and listened to music. They were drinking vodka. At about 10 PM he lowered the music and she poured the last of the gallon of vodka into their cups. Her favorite song, Ocean Eyes, was playing and eventually they fell asleep. Shortly after midnight he awoke and she wasn’t lying next to him. He got up to see where she was and that is when he found her passed out on the floor between the bathroom and kitchen.
He called her name and tried to wake her but she did not respond. He shook her and called her name as he turned her over. Her lips looked purplish and she was not responding. In a state of shock and panic he grabbed his cell phone and as he dialed 911 he went and unlocked his front door.
The Rhode Island E-911 Call Taker mishandled the call and did not calm a panicking 911 caller reporting a medical emergency and requesting help and a rescue.
If the Pawtucket dispatcher, Michael Fidalgo, would have sent the rescue then she may be alive today and an innocent man would not be illegally detained for a crime that never occurred.