A Judicial System of Corruption
Learn How to Report Civil Rights Violations
US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division “The Civil Rights Division enforces federal laws that protect you from discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, disability status, sex, religion, familial status, or loss of other constitutional rights. If you believe your civil rights, or someone else’s, have been violated, submit a report using our online form.“
United States Department of Justice – Mailing address: U.S. Department of Justice – 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW – Washington, DC 20530-0001
End Corruption in Rhode Island Policing & Justice System
Rhode Island General Laws – Here you can find the RI Gen. Laws and Statues if you have been charged with a crime then you need to know what the applicable laws and rules are, do not put your life and trust in the hands of a public defender or private attorney. Double check everything that your attorney tells you, and do not let them treat you like you have no say so in the matter. REMEMBER ATTORNEY’S ARE PAID TO DO A JOB FOR THE CLIENT’S THAT THEY REPRESENT and they take an oath.
Rhode Island Courts Public Portal – Follow your case closely, keep updated copies of the entries that must be recorded accurately. BE AWARE the RI District Court Clerks and the Superior Court Clerks can and will alter the public docket records to assist the police and assistant AG’s who prosecute cases. This is a technique used by the prosecution to prejudice the public and potential jurors.
Rhode Island Courts Public Portal Hearings Search – Do your due diligence and research everything pertaining to the charges against you and how those charges are prosecuted. Always pay close attention to your Rhode Island Public Defender or private or court appointed criminal defense attorney and make sure they are not working against you, keeping you in the dark and intentionally waving your rights to assist the prosecution and police.
Superior Court – Know Your Courts – If you are charged with an indictable offense then a Grand Jury determines whether or not the police have enough evidence to charge you. Defense attorney’s are helping the state’s assistant attorneys and the police/prosecutors side-step the Grand Jury and are charging indictable offenses by Information without the accused knowledge or consent. Your defense attorney or public defender is working for you and must obtain your consent to charge by Information they cannot make this decision without your knowledge, but this is exactly what is happening in Rhode Island.
Learn the Rules Your Attorney’s Responsibilities and How to Report Misconduct
Rhode Island Rules of Professional Conduct Article V – Shyster Attorneys exist. They are the ones that ignore the rules and the oath that they took and the ones that will lie to their own clients, withhold information from their clients, rob families who pay to retain them, and whose conduct is reprehensible. Beware of these lawyers. Know the rules and do not hesitate to file a written complaint with th e
Rhode Island Disciplinary Procedures for Attorneys Article III – This system is broken, it is funded by the very attorney’s whom it is to oversee. For this reason and others, many valid complaints to the disciplinary board about attorney misconduct and fee issues disappear with the urging of dishonest attorneys. The Chief of the Disciplinary Board has a high standard to meet, however, the power of persuasion does exist. This is a danger to the public and a major contributor to the corruption in Rhode Island courts and judicial system. When any disciplinary board member is not reviewing and handling complaints against attorney’s that have merit according to the laws and rules justice cannot exist. Every person accused of a crime has the right to adequate and effective assistance of counsel, if criminal defense attorney’s are working against their client’s to support the police and prosecution this violates the Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution as well as the RI Constitution. This practice should not exist.
Are You a Victim of Judicial Misconduct
Rhode Island Article VI – Judicial Conduct – This is were you can find information to file a complaint if you are the victim of judicial misconduct. Learn the rules and responsibilities of a Judge. When a Judge is made aware of another judge’s or an attorney’s misconduct then they have a responsibility to report any known misconduct to the proper authorities.
Whether it is a Judge’s misconduct or his/her knowledge of another judge’s or lawyer’s wrongdoing it should be reported and rectified. No person who is the victim of judicial misconduct should be intimidated by the government. Those who participate in corruption hope that they can instill fear in their victims to stop them from exercising their rights and filing a complaint with the proper authorities when necessary.
Public Officials
State of Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Nerhona – Email to: ag@riag.ri.gov — Mailing Address:
RI Office of the Attorney General – 150 South Main Street – Providence, RI 02903 PHONE: 401-274-4400
State of Rhode Island Governor Daniel McKee – Email to: governor@governor.ri.gov — Mailing Address: Office of the Governor
82 Smith Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 222-2080